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Kong Bing is a wushu Instructor of Cosmo Wushu Academy. He graduated from Shangdong Sport University. He had 15 years of competitive wushu training and was the elite member of the china shangdong wushu team; and 10 years of coaching experience in Wushu, including three years of Wushu coaching experience in Singapore.



Kong Bing is a wushu Instructor of Cosmo Wushu Academy. He graduated from Shangdong Sport University. He had 16 years of competitive wushu training and was the elite member of the china shangdong wushu team; and 10 years of coaching experience in Wushu, including three years of Wushu coaching experience in Singapore. He specailise  in Changquan (长拳), Sword(剑术), Spear (枪术)and some traditional Wushu styles especially in the Praying Mantis Style (螳螂拳)which he has learnt from the renowned Master Cui Zhi Qiang(崔志强 ), who was also the close disciple of reputed Grandmaster Master Yu Hai (于海)of the Shaolin Temple (少林寺)film cast, has made him an integral part of the training team. Master Yu Hai (于海)of the Shaolin Temple (少林寺)film cast, has made him an integral part of the training team.


Coaching Experience

(i) 7 years of international coaching experience

(ii) 5 years of Wushu coaching experience in Singapore Ministry of Education schools.



[1] Licensed Wushu Coach With Singapore National Wushu Federation (新加坡国家合格武术教练).

[2] Certififed Singapore MOE registered and qualified Wushu Coach.

[3] Certified NSYS Coaching in Singapore School.

[4] Certified Standard First Aider (新加坡红十字会合格急救员).


Coaching Experience               

2003 April  to 2013 March,

Wushu Instructor, Shangdong City Wushu Academy, Shangdong, China.

Specialized in Wushu (competitive and traditional); Wushu performance choreography.


2013 Jun ,

Wushu Instructor, Cosmo Wushu Academy, Singapore.

Specialized in Wushu (competitive and traditional); Wushu performance choreography.


2010年 - 年 安徽省武术训练基地担任专业一队教练.

2009年 - 2010年 安徽省武术训练基地担任专业一队教练.

2008年 山东省潍坊竞技体育学校担任教练.

2007年 山东省临朐县体委武术培训实习.

2004年 - 2006年 山东省武术院大明湖培训基地担任教练一职.

2004年 - 2012年 任校武术协会教练员.



2000年 山东省武术院“学院杯”武术比赛拳术第三名.

2002年 山东省武术锦标赛男子乙组拳术第二名.

2002年 山东省武术锦标赛男子乙组传统拳术第二名.

2002 - 2003年 武术院“学院杯”武术比赛剑术冠军.

2003年 全国青少年武术锦标赛剑术冠军.



