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Lan Xin Hua is the Chief Instructor of Cosmo Wushu Academy. She graduated from Guangzhou Sports University, BA (Physical Education) 广州体育学院,体育本科学士. She had 20 years of wushu and taijiquan training; and 18 years of coaching experience in Wushu and Taijiquan, including seven years of Wushu and Taijiquan coaching experience in Singapore. Her wushu specialty is in competitive wushu such as changquan and weapons such as Sword (Jian), Spear (Qiang), Broadsword (Dao), Cudgel (Gun); and competitive Taijiquan, Taijijian, Chen style Taijiquan and weapons; and traditional martial art such as huaquan and traditional weapons.

Lan Xin Hua ( 兰新华) 教练

Lan Xin Hua is the Chief Instructor of Cosmo Wushu Academy. She graduated from Guangzhou Sport University. She had more than 20 years of wushu and taijiquan training; and more than 16 years of coaching experience in Wushu and Taijiquan and Qigong, including more than five years of Wushu and Taijiquan coaching experience in Singapore. (she was the instructor of the following Singapore schools : Chung Cheng High (Yishun), River Valley High, French International School, CHIJ Our Lady of Good Counsel, East Spring Primary, Zhangde Primary, Loyang Primary, Compassvale Primary, Fengshan Primary, Yuhua Secondary, Red Swastika school.) Her wushu specialty is in competitive wushu such as changquan and weapons such as Sword (Jian), Spear (Qiang), Broadsword (Dao), Cudgel (Gun); and competitive Taijiquan, Taijijian, Chen style Taijiquan and weapons as well as qigong; and traditional martial art such as huaquan and traditional weapons.

Lan Xin Hua began to learn Wushu at the age of seven. She was educated in Henan Pingdingshan Physical Culture School and was trained in Wushu and Taijiquan at a very young age. In 1987, she emerged as the top winner with her amazing performance at her first junior martial arts competition at 11 years of age. And for many subsequent years, she achieved many medals at the provincial, city, and national competitions in china. She was a full time professional Wushu athletic in china from 1987 to 2000. She graduated from Guangzhou Sport University, majored in Wushu specialty in the year 2000.

During her 13 years of professional wushu athletic tenure, she had won numerous medals and honours for many years, especially in the china prestigious competition event such as the annual China National Games Competitions(中国全国运动会). These competition achievements as a professional Wushu athletic were highly recognized and she was conferred as a 6th Duan Wushu Athlete ( 武术六段运动员 ) and the most esteemed Title of Wushu Heroine ( 武英级 ) by the Athletic Sports Committee of the People's Republic of China.  She retires from a professional athlete in year 2000, and since then she has been coaching Wushu and Taijiquan full time. She has been invited to coach wushu in a few Asian countries (Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia) as well as acting as a stunt woman for numerous movies. She was also invited to cast in the a few movies as well as national movies  in celebration of the Olympic 2008.



[1] National Wushu Heroine Athletein China  (中国国家武英级运动员).

[2] Qualified 6th Duan Wushu Athlete in China (中国国家武术六段).

[3] Licensed Wushu Coach With National Wushu Federation (China)(中国国家合格武术教练 ).

[4] Licensed Taijiquan Coach of Chenjiaguo Taijiquan Training Centre in China (中国陈家沟太极拳馆高级教练).

[5] The twelve generation Chen Style Taijiquan Successor  (中国陈家沟陈氏太极拳第十二代传人).

[6] Direct Disciple of Taijiquan Grandmaster Chen Zhenglei (中国当代十大武术名师陈正雷大师弟子).

[7] Certified Yoga Senior Instructor (中国瑜伽培训课程高级教师资格).

[8] Certified Taijiquan Instructor (中国力美健健身俱乐部太极教练).

[9] Licensed Wushu Coach With Singapore National Wushu Federation (新加坡国家合格武术教练).

[10] Certified Standard First Aider (新加坡红十字会合格急救员).

[11] Singapore National Coaching Accreditation Programme Level 1 (新加坡国家教练认证1级).

[12] Singapore National Coaching Accreditation Programme Level 2 (新加坡国家教练认证2级).

[13] Certififed Singapore MOE registered and qualified Wushu Coach.

[14] Certified NSYS Coaching in Singapore School.




[1] 1987年 全国少年武术比赛集体拳第一、规定拳第一、枪术第一、剑术第四.

[2] 1988年 全国少年武术比赛集体拳第一、规定拳第三、枪术第三.

[3] 1989年 全国少年武术比赛集体拳第一、规定拳第三、枪术第三.

[4] 1993年 第七届全运会比赛集体拳第六.

[5] 1994年 全国武术团体赛集体拳第一、枪术第三.

[6] 1994年 广东省第九届全运会太极拳第三、枪术第三.

[7] 1997年 广东省武术比赛获得太极拳第一、太极剑第一.

[8] 1998年 广东省第十届全运会获得太极拳第二、剑术第四.

[9] 1999年 广东省第五届大学生运动会获得太极拳第三、拳术第四.

[10] 2008年3月赴浙江参拍电影《夺标》迎奥运宣传武术影片.
